Custom Turned Bowls

Handcrafted bowls have been used for centuries, from utilitarian to purely aesthetic appreciation, and only one’s imagination puts a limit on their uses!  As a woodturning artist, my interest is mostly in turning “one of bowls.”  That is, I generally don’t turn bowl sets nor do I do production run turning.

Most of my bowls are unique unto themselves; the artist in me seeks to find what nature has given me in a piece of wood to be revealed and exposed. 

This revealing process results in a wide variety of different types of bowls for a multitude of purposes.  This includes, but is not limited to, salad bowls, cereal bowls, candy/snack bowls (popcorn, chips, you name it), ornamental bowls, fruit bowls, and catch-all bowls for rings, keys, and things.  So when you view my bowls, don’t let my suggested uses limit your imagination!